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Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre XVI – Entrepreneurship und digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Professor Dr. Matthias Baum

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Neue wissenschaftliche Publikation von Prof. Dr. Matthias Baum


Der Artikel "Differences between women- and men-owned export businesses: Are women-owned export businesses more financially successful when they adopt an intensive export strategy?" von Prof. Matthias Baum1, Prof. Sui Sui2 und Prof. Horatio Morgan3 wurde zur Publikation bei der Zeitschrift Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (RSBE) angenommen.

This study compares the financial returns that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) generate with women- versus men-owned export businesses. We examine competing hypotheses about how gender moderates the relationship between export intensity and SMEs' financial performance based on differing perspectives of women entrepreneurs. Based on these theoretical elaborations, we analyzed the export activity and profitability of 7,761 Canadian SMEs with women versus men owners. We found that women-owned export businesses achieve superior financial performance when they adopt an intensive export strategy. We discuss the implications of this finding for international entrepreneurship theory, practice and policy.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Autoren!

1: University of Bayreuth

2: Ryerson University

3: University of Waterloo

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