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Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre XVI – Entrepreneurship und digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Professor Dr. Matthias Baum

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Invitation to the inaugural meeting of the Slow Economy Challenge 2021!


You are warmly invited to the inaugural meeting of the Slow Economy Challenge 2021!!!

When: 24 February at 6 pm CET with representatives of one of the most successfully Berlin fashion startups Staiy. Founded in 2019 by ESCP Business School alumni in Berlin with a goal to minimize the human footprint. Currently, Staiy is ranked in the 5 topmost growing startups in Germany. 

What is it about: At the meeting, the philosophy and ideas of the Staiy business will be presented. Participants will also learn about the timeline, prizes, and guidelines for the students' international challenge. 

Organiser: Faculty of Economic Sciences and HSE Business Incubator

Klick here for further information and the registration

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